Wednesday, July 20, 2022


This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs .This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 25 yr old male patient resident of Narketpally ,runs a wine shop ,presented with chief complaints of Blood in stools since 9 days ,
Shortness of Breath since 4 days , Headache since 9 days.

Patient was apparently asyptomatic 5 months back then he noticed blood  before and after passing stools for which he took medication( unknown) .
From 9 days he again complains  of hard  blood in stools  associated with an episode of vomiting,not associated with pain in the abdomen,fever.
He had Headache since 4 days which is continuos with no aggravating and relieving factors .
He had Shortness of Breath Grade 2 since 4 days which is sudden in onset not associated with chest pain which aggrates on walking and relieves on sitting.
He went to a hospital in  Nalgonda and he was found to have Hb -3.6 gm% came to Kims Narketpally for further management.

 Past History : 
He had similar complaints 5 months back.
No History of Diabetes mellitus,hypertension, Tuberculosis,Asthma, Coronary artery Disease , Epilepsy.
No surgeries underwent in the past.

Family History:
No member of the family has similar complaints.

He takes mixed diet,appetite is normal ,bowel and bladder movements regular ,sleep is adequate,He consumes Alcohol  ( 1 beer),Toddy occasionally since 3 years .No history of smoking.
No known Drug,Food Allergies.

Daily routine:
 He wakes up at 6 am and does his chores ,he goes to fish market and returns at 9 am , he'll have his breakfast and goes to shop by 10 am.
He'll take his lunch 2 pm and goes  back home at 
10:30 ,goes for dinner and sleeps by 11 pm.

General Examination:
Patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative 
ill builtand poorly nourished.
  Pallor: present.
Icterus: Absent
Cyanosis: Absent
Clubbing: Absent
Generalised lymphadenopathy: Absent
Bilateral pedal Edema: Absent.

Temperature: 98.6 C
Pulse rate: 121 beats/ min
Bp: 110/60 mmHg
Respiratory rate: 20 cycle/ min.

Systemic Examination:

Abdomen: Soft and non tender. Bowel sounds heard 
Cardiovascular system: S1,S2 heard.Ejection systolic murmur heard.
JVP: raised
Central nervous system: No focal neurological deficits.
Respiratory system: Bilateral Air entry present.
   Breath sounds heard all over the chest. Trachea is Central .

Provisional Diagnosis:
Anaemia secondary to Iron deficiency 
Fissure in Ano

 1.Complete blood picture:

2. Ecg