Thursday, July 28, 2022

46 yr old male with Shortness of Breath, Abdominal distension, pedal Edema.

This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs .This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 47 year old male resident of Keshavapuram, Shephard by occupation presented with

Chief complaints:

Shortness of Breath since 6 years 

Cough since 4 years

Abdominal distension since 3years

Puffiness of face since 3 years

Pedal Edema since 3 years.

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asyptomatic 6 yrs back then he developed Shortness of Breath which was insidious in onset , gradually progressed from Grade1 to Grade 2 not associated with dyspnoes on lying down.

He had cough since 4 years which is associated with yellow coloured sputum.

He noticed abdominal distension since 3 years  

He noticed puffiness of face since 3 years..

He noticed pedal Edema ( below the knee) since 3 years .

He had Hard stools since 10 days not mixed with blood .

Past History:

No similar complaints in the past .

Not a Known case of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Tuberculosis,Asthma,coronary artery Disease, Epilepsy.

Surgical History- Underwent Cataract surgery in 2021

Treatment History- Used locally prescribed antacid tablets.

Family History

No member of the family has similar complaints.

Personal History

Appetite is normal.

Diet: Mixed 

Bowel& bladder: Bowel - Hardstools since 10 days

Bladder movements regular

Sleep: Adequate

Addictions: He consumes Alcohol since 30 years (200 ml/ day) stopped 3months back 

He smokes cigarette & beedi since 30 years 12/ day .

No food& drug allergies 

Daily routine 

He wakes up at 5 am and goes to animal shed and comes home at 8am eats rice at 10 am ,goes to work in farm and comes home by 6 pm ,used to consume alcohol occasionally and takes dinner by 9pm and goes to bed by 10 pm.

General examination 

Patient is conscious coherent cooperative moderately bulit and nourished.

Pallor absent 

No icterus, cyanosis , clubbing,

Bilateral pedal edema  prese

Generalised lymphadenopathy -  Absent

Vitals :

Pulse rate -82 bpm , regular in rate rhythm and normal volume , bilaterally present

Bp:110/90 mm of Hg

Temp :99 

Respiratory rate:20/ min 

JVP - slightly elevated



Inspection:Shape of the chest- pectus excavatum
No scars and sinuses
Tachea central
Wheeze is heard.

Inspectory findings are confirmed
Palpable sounds .
Movements of chest - symmetrical?
Tactile vocal fremitus-?

Resonant note present in all lung areas

  Rhonchi heard 
crepts are heard  in Infrascapular area,Infra axillary area.


Inspection - Abdomen is distended,umblicus everted.
Dilated veins( caput medusae) present.
No scars, sinuses .

Inspectory findings are confirmed 
No Tenderness, 
Shifting dullness: present
Fluid thrill: Absent

Percussion : Resonant note all over the abdomen

Auscultation: Normal bowel sounds heard
No bruit heard


Inspection : Bilaterally symmetrical chest present 
No scars sinuses
No visible pulsations

Inspectory findings are confirmed
Apex beat cannot be localised
No palpable heart sounds or murmurs

Auscultation : 
S1 S2 heard
No murmurs or additional heart sounds

CNS : Higher Mental functions Intact

No focal neurological deficits.

Cranial nerves intact.

Provisional Diagnosis:

Chronic Liver Disease ?
Right Heart Failure.


Ultrasound Abdomen

2D Echo

Liver function test:

Serum Electrolyte:
Chest xray
